Words & Graphics
With its 2nd installment, Blue Sunshine, is a collection of writings and images that tells the story about a boy meeting a girl. This is more than a love story, this is a story about coping and mending damaged hearts, and with its unique delivery, this is a telling told like no other.
Enter a room where a boy wakes up next to a girl, but he does not remember meeting her at all. Still, they spend the day together for the sake of curiosity and to fill the voids in their hearts. Then, go on a wild trip in South Africa. And of course, there’s a cat and it is unhappy. Blue Sunshine is a ball made up of many yarns.
Because when a one-night stand lasts for this long, it becomes WEIRD, then funny, then sexy, then sad, and then weird again.

"an interesting experiment in form and storytelling ... It's a quick read with a fairly universal storyline for those looking for something a little bit different to read next."
"Happy endings, new beginnings, and love found and lost all resonate through these visual and literary intersections, embedding Blue Sunshine with a portrait of discovery and intergenerational differences of viewpoint and inspection. The collection is a literary mosaic of poetic and prosaic dialogues and art centered on love, heartache, and irony."
—D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer,
Midwest Book Review
Words & Graphics is a collection of writings – poems, dialogues, short stories, and plain observations and statements – formed into a literary quilt that will warm and inspire. Along with its images, Words & Graphics takes its reader down several parallel paths and then leaves the reader to create their own conclusion(s).

"Every important aspect of life is included in these writings. This includes parenting, religion, love, loss, and death... The author notes that it took ten years to create "Words & Graphics." I totally enjoyed every page and highly recommend it. Readers will enjoy the uniqueness of how the works are presented and appreciate having the opportunity to get their hands on something different. This book would also make an excellent gift for the person who has everything!"
—Reader Views


Father to daughter; father to father; father to mothers; father to drugs—it all comes crashing down on this
man-child, as he becomes incapable of juggling his responsibilities.