Words & Graphics - The Four Seasons of Love
“With a lesser writer, the contrasts of words, images, and subject matter could feel disjointed, but C.O.B. deftly handles these jumps and leaves readers anticipating the next turn with excitement. Rather than coming across as confusing or frustrating, the sometimes surreal leaps in tone or subject matter are masterful enough to recall Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America. Indeed, the writing evokes other Beat writers like Kerouac or Burroughs, bringing their style into the twenty-first century. Love and loss are topics that could easily devolve into sentimentality, but C.O.B.'s work gives readers a fresh perspective into these most poignant of human emotions.”
—The US Review of Books
The Four Seasons of Love is the final installment in the Words & Graphics concept series that tells a coming-of-age story—of a man who unexpectedly becomes a dad and then reverts to a childlike state of being. Growing into manhood, rather, a responsible father, after his childish journey causes him to lose a life—the four seasons that we all must endure reveal why all the colorful loves that entered this man-child’s life triggered the fallout between him and his one pure love, his daughter.
With the mix use of different forms of writing that include poems, short stories and simple observations, in addition to its provocative images, The Four Seasons of Love is a fitting end to the series, yet it also stands alone, as the best and most compelling of introductions.

Now think of your favorite concept album—The Four Seasons of Love
could become the literary version of
that album!
"... an original and emotive expression of love through the changing seasons."
"A powerful and brutally honest look at the impact of drugs and alcohol on the psyche of one's mind and life, Words and Graphics: The Four Seasons of Love is a must-read for anyone who enjoys experimental storytelling and creative narrative styles. ... The Four Seasons of Love was a rewarding experience for me, and I highly recommend it."
—Readers' Favorite

Boy meets girl and together they tell a love story like no other: compassionate, sexual, emotional, and sad as all hell. And of course, there’s a cat; find out why the cat is also sad.
The 1st in the Words & Graphics, this collection of works and images will confirm that you are not alone in how you truly feel—the thoughts you still haven’t shared with anyone are here.